

Naturopathic News of the North

      The Naturopathic Doctors servicing Northwestern Ontario (Thunder Bay and West) have come together to create this quarterlynewsletter to bring awareness of Naturopathic Medicine and natural healing to the people of our area. It features information on naturopathic medicine, conditions/illnesses and various treatment options, and supplement uses, as well as, great recipe ideas and lifestyle tips. 

Current Issue 

Issue No. 3 - Winter 2015

Naturopathic News - Winter - No3.pdf Naturopathic News - Winter - No3.pdf
Size : 4958.413 Kb
Type : pdf

Past Issues 

Issue No. 2  

Fall 2014

Issue No. 1 

Summer 2014

Naturopathic News No.2.pdf Naturopathic News No.2.pdf
Size : 3211.213 Kb
Type : pdf
Naturopathic News No.1.pdf Naturopathic News No.1.pdf
Size : 2006.677 Kb
Type : pdf


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